Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Surgery
Vision & Mission
This department aims to provide proper direction, requisite training and the correct attitude to all those who have taken upon themselves the onus of tending to the sick and wounded in various types of calamities including accidents.
Impress upon them the enormous responsibility that is consequent of the patient, rural & urban, consenting to go under one’s knife.
It also strives to provide an intellectually stimulating environment to motivate and inspire students of surgery at all levels in their quest for knowledge and to enable them to realize their potential to the fullest extent, and serve the community with holistic approach also.
Departmental Activity
Department is actively involved in teaching, patient care, research, CME organisation. Eminent dignitaries have visited the institution and surgery department.
Operation theatres:
2 Major, 1 Septic and 1 Minor. (Total- 4)
Surgery operation theatre has digital video camera for recording of operations and students can see them live. This prevents unnecessary crowding in operating room. These recording are then edited and kept in ECMC & departmental library for teaching
Faculty RPofile
Department of surgery has qualified, experienced and dedicated, fulltime faculty in full strength. They all are staying in the campus and hence are available to students and patients 24/7. The faculty is engaged in teaching, research, patient care, act as "Mentors", and participate in cocurricular and extracurricular activities such as annual social gathering. Faculty has presented research of high standard at National and state level.
Mentor System
Surgery department is actively involved “Mentor System" implemented by the Institution.
Each faculty looks after the overall development of TEN STUDENTS. This batch remains with the same faculty for the duration of entire course. Students are guided regarding academic, personal, social, accommodate difficulties faced by them. Students get family environment as they become part of the Mentor’s family.
Facilities For Teaching Learning Process:
Department of surgery has full strength of qualified faculty. Lectures are conducted on audio-visual system using power point presentations, videos, LCD projection, CCTV, text and pictorial scenarios. There is integrated, community oriented approach. Interactive sessions are regularly conducted. Students are assigned small projects to inculcate the habit of self study and research. Department of surgery has modified the curriculum which suites the needs of modern medical students. More emphasis is given on acquiring practical, preventive and community oriented knowledge. Depending on recent knowledge the syllabus is promptly modified. Student evaluation methods are based on his understanding of subject rather than only on his memory.Department has its own museum with training models and library which contains text books, reference books and journals.
Problem Based Learning
This is unique programme implemented in this institute. A batch of 10-12 students is assigned to a “facilitator". Text scenarios are constructed and distributed to the batch. There is a "brain storming" free association session. Students discuss the scenario and collect information on their own from library, internet, and subject experts etc,
Advantages: Improves communication skills. Students learn to use various resources to gather knowledge apart from text books. They learn to study and to work as a team. Facilitator also learns along with students,
Department of surgery has generated pictorial scenarios in addition to text scenarios. Students see these clinical, radiological, intraoperative photographs and learn about the given case
Services Offfered
- Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
- General surgery,
- Paediatric surgery,
- Oncosurgery,
- Neurosurgery,
- Plastic & reconstructive surgery,
- Endourology, PCNL, Lithoclast.
- Minimal invasive surgery.
- Pediatric cardiac surgery.
- "Hello Doctor" community based medical service.
- Neonatal surgery.
- Trauma care.
Specialised Services
The department of surgery is fully equipped to cater need of every surgical patient especially rural as well as urban. It has all modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities to treat surgical patients. Thus we provide multidisciplinary and superspeciality services.
Thrust Areas Of Research:
- Breast cancer.
- Urolithiasis.
- Trauma management & prevention.
- Adopting recent technological advances and at the same time offering quality patient care at resonable cost.(indigenous modifications)
- Teaching methodology with participation of students.
- Socioeconomic factors and gastrointestinal disorders.