Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital - Service to Rural People
Comprehensive Medical and Health Care - Health for All Rural People - Making it work
Primary to Tertiary Care - Concern,Care and Compassion
The trust started providing primary and secondary level medical care in 1976 with a modest hospital of 100 beds. Responding to the need of the area, over a period of time, the hospital grew into an 1275 bed multi-disciplinary, super-specialty medical institute along with the other ancillary facilities.
In the process the Hospital has emerged as a referral teaching institute for the entire region covering a population of two million.

The Medical Council of India has recognized it as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching institute.
The hospital assists State and Central governments to implement their National Public Health Programmes.
The institute provides sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic facilities like Ultrasonography, Colour Doppler, CT Scan, MRI, Digital X-ray, Cardiac Monitors, etc.

Spacious specialty out-patient & diagnostic departments and In-patient wards are available with residential expert medical and para-medical teams.
Central Clinical Laboratory (CCL) which consists of pathology (morbid anatomy, cytology, haematology), biochemistry and microbiology is well equipped and caters to the needs of patients. The hospital CCL also functions as a referral center for nearby pathologists and laboratories.

The Blood Bank of the Hospital is equipped with state of art equipment to perform routine and special investigations including HIV test (Elisa reader), and fractionation of blood to prepare blood components. The blood component therapy has proved to be a boon for the needy patients.
Dialysis Unit caters to the needs of high incidence of insecticide poisoning and snake-bites leading to kidney failure, which is very common among agricultural workers.

Emergency and trauma care is provided round the clock by experts. These services are augmented with the latest diagnostic facilities like invasive and non-invasive imaging techniques, on the spot transfusion and other resuscitative techniques
Major as well as specialized surgeries including pediatric Cardio-thoracic, Cardiothoracic, Neurology, Urology, Laprascopic, Spinal, Micro Laryngeal, Facio Maxillary, Reconstructive and replacement surgeries are performed in a centrally air conditioned Operation Theatre Complex equipped with excellent operating and monitoring facilities, houses eight operation theatres.
Besides this, every out Patient Department has it's own operation theatre for day care services.
Advanced Neonatal Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit take care of preterm babies, critically ill neonates, infants and children ensuring an excellent salvage rate.

Care Unit is well equipped with state-of-art monitoring and life support systems for the care of the critically ill.
CCU : A six bedded CCU equipped with latest of the ventilators, multipara monitors, external cardiac pace maker and 24 hrs continuous Holter ECG monitoring facilities, Caters for the needs of critically ill cardiac patients
Specialised Services
Respiratory Medicine: The department is equipped with fiber-optic bronchoscope with Video accessories and computerized pulmonary function monitors.
Ophthalmology: The department is equipped with Nd-Yag laser, and Phaco-emulsion equipment for treatment of retinal lesions and cataract surgery.
Medical Records Department: of the hospital takes pride in maintaining the records of Outpatients and Inpatients as well as Medico-legal cases as per the existing policy of the Institute and the State Government. All the admitted cases are being classified as per the ICD-IX.
All types and stages of cancer patients are treated with high rate of survival at the Cancer Treatment and Research Center. The Center offers teletherapy with Theratron 780C and Brachytherapy with Gammamed Remote Afterloading system. For accurate dose of radiation the system is networked with the latest Treatment Planning systems. The Centre - a boon for the rural cancer patients, also popular even with urban patients from Pune, Mumbai and other metropolis due to its cost effectiveness.

Extension OPD's-In order to attend to specific health problems of industrial workers, migratory sugarcane harvest labourers and their families, an extension Out Patient Department (OPD) was established at Pravaranagar, and Primary Health Centers at Pathare and Bhabuleswar.
The OPDs are well equipped for first aid emergency management and routine health care. A mobile health team regularly attends to the needs of the migratory harvest labourers, specially the vulnerable groups at their operational areas.

Out-reach Activities
The Hospital organizes regular multi- diagnostic and treatment camps in remote, needy villages as a part of the Out Reach Programme to provide free health services at the doorstep. In addition to these, separate specialty wise camps are also organized regularly.
Health check up of school children, primary health care to slum dwellers and visits to Primary Health as well as Sub centres by the hospital staff is part of their routine duties.
Specialized Dental Care
The routine dental treatment rendered by the Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni since 1976 has been expanded, in response to the demand, to a full-fledged Dental Hospital with all specialties in 1989. Specialized diagnostic procedures include Orthopentogram and Cephalogram. Specialized treatment procedures like Maxillofacial and Orthognathic surgery, advanced conservative treatment, aesthetic dentistry, ceramics, cast dentures and Maxillofacial prosthesis are the additional features of this hospital.
The Pravara Rural Dental Hospital also has full-fledged extension OPDs in the nearby Urban areas like Shrirampur, Sangamner to serve the urban poor. The Hospital also conducts regular "Out-reach" programme like camps, school students dental check-ups etc.
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Care
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation care rendered in the hospital since 1980 has been upgraded in 1997 with specialized therapeutic procedures. A well-established Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre with full fledged orthotic and prosthetic laboratories and other modern and advanced equipments, caters to the needs of out patients and in-patients of Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital.
The Orthotic and Prosthetic workshop has facilities to design and prepare all types of static and dynamic splints, calipers, crutches, collars, braces, prostheses, corrective modified shoes, wheel chairs, tricycles and other locomotive devices for handicapped persons.