Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Medicine
Introduction Care With Compassion
Department of medicine is a major department of RMC Loni. It has important functions of indoor and outdoor patient care, teaching of undergraduate & postgraduate students, medical research & health education of masses. Undergraduate education was started in 1984& Post graduation in medicine was started in 1991.
Since its establishment in 1984 it has been training medical students and has thus produced excellent medical care givers for the country. Till date 49 postgraduate students have passed from the department.
To encourage development of an attitude of compassion and empathy for human suffering, to create an academic atmosphere conducive to assimilation of scientific knowledge, and to encourage logical application of the knowledge to ameliorate the suffering of society.
Department Highlights
The department is well equipped with teaching &learning resources as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India for undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are being conducted. We are placed at spacious opd complex on the ground floor. There are consultation rooms for individual faculties, seminar rooms, departmental museum, research lab and a well stocked departmental library.
The seminar rooms are utilized for conducting post graduate activities like journal club, seminars and case presentation .(once a week).
Teaching and learning experience is enhanced with the help of teaching aids like OHP & LCD projector.
The department houses Museum for undergraduate training with specimens, charts, booklets, models etc. classified as per the sections in Medicine.
We have a departmental library .It is updated with latest edition of books as and when published. Dept. library at present holds a total of 278 books.
We have a well equipped departmental research lab with internet facility and the equipments kept are used for research purposes.
To train the postgraduate students the department belongs one of the best team of faculties.
The department is having 150 beded male/female medicine wards (good number of outdoor & indoor of patients flow (75% to 85% bed occupancy) for training and research. The college has well established critical care units as a part of Medicine department. These critical care units are equipped with ultramodern multi-para monitors, ventilators, ABG-analyzers ,temporary-pace makers & haemodialysers.The Department has high-tech diagnostic facilities in non invasive cardiology like 2D-ECHO, TMT-stress ECG, Holter (24 hour ECG )and Ambulatory BP monitor .We have state of the art flexible Fibro-optic Bronchoscope & computerized PFT machine for diagnosis of respiratory disorders. We also provide diagnostic services in field of neurology with a computerized EEG machine.
Extensional activities in last 5 years
Mini and multidiagnostic medical camps are held on regular basis. Health education and free consultation facilities are provided to the villagers under SIDA project.
Health education and interaction with villagers with the help of satellite health center -The Tele-health project.
Research Activities
In addition to research in local areas which are undertaken by faculty and postgraduate students, undergraduate students are also encouraged to conduct ICMR projects.
Thrust Area
- Tropical diseases
- Local medical problems like snakebites
- Organophosphorus poisoning
- Rheumatic heart diseases
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Nutritional Anaemia.
- Medical emergencies in obstetrics
Future plans
- To start P.G. Course in Respiratory diseases as M.D. Chest diseases.
- To increase number of PG seats to 6/year.
- To start ART centre at RMC.Loni.
- To start superspeciality clinics weekly like Nephrology, Cardiology, Endocrinology & GI clinic which at present are monthly
- Guest lecturers from various institutes to get both UG’s and PG’s more conversant with resent advances in Medicine.
- To get a complete Endoscopy center this will have both GIT and Pulmonary scopes and equipments.
- To nurture spirit of inquiry and scientific temper by promoting research & Publication to connect with emerging trends.
- Comprehensive appropriate, Innovative, need based teaching, learning and evaluation programs that Include student centered, problem based, Community oriented Clinical, Laboratory & project based modules.
- Emphasis on continual improvement & spirit of lifelong learning through regular Faculty Development Programs. (For e.g. clinical meetings, medical audits, Guest lectures, national & international workshops and Conferences within the campus and through deputation to other Colleges & Universities.)