Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Anaesthesia
Historical Background
The exalted Department of Anesthesiology and Critical care, which started functioning in the year 1984, is now a part of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University). Ever since its inception, it has evolved tremendously into a well equipped grandeur department. The service of “rendering a patient insensible to pain” has changed its facade from a technology to the majestic science of Anesthesiology. In true terms, it is almost on the threshold of branching into subspecialties.
The Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care forms a key link between the surgical fraternities and the patients undergoing a variety of surgical procedures. Our role as Anesthesiologists is becoming more exigent day by day with more number of neonatal and geriatric patients having associated major & minor problems presenting for surgery, apart from the disease for which the surgical procedure is to be performed.
Our enthusiastic team comprising of Professors, Associate/Assistant Professors and our budding Residents have crossed the precincts of Operation Theatres to nurture as Intensivists, Specialists for management of Acute and Chronic Pain, providers of the much needed Labor Analgesia, Life support providers, Triage experts in Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Unit, and provide assistance in Radiodiagnosis, Electro-Convulsive therapy, Narco-Analysis, Radiotherapy, Respiratory care and Physiotherapy units.
The responsibility of Anaesthesiologists is hence not confined to the operating Rooms. They gain expertise in the peri operative management of patients and their safety. The Department strives to achieve a perfect balanced equilibrium in providing Services, Postgraduate & Undergraduate training, and exploring the frontiers of research.
- Patients’ safety has always been our prime concern. We endeavor to bring them back alive through the complicated, perilous and fearsome peri-operative voyage and provide them the best possible pain relief in addition to the comfort during this period.
- A venture to remove the mysterious aura and ignorance and to enlighten everybody about the science of Anesthesiology and Critical Care.
- To be a sturdy, proficient, committed and well organized back bone of our Institution.
- To achieve excellence in the specialized field of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Comprehensive Pain Management.
- Provision of services at par with the International standards, for the patients’ presenting at the Pravara Rural hospital.
- To impart value based education to the students to create environment for their social and spiritual development.
- To conduct educational programmes and activities for the non medical budding graduates, keeping in time with the changing trends in the field.
Services Provided
- General / Regional Anaesthesia
- Monitored anesthesia care
- Narco analysis
- Anaesthesia for Electro convulsive Therapy
- Anaesthesia for Radiological Investigations
- Anaesthesia OPD
- Acute and Chronic pain relief services, including Cancer Pain management
- Patient Transport services
- Disaster relief services whenever requested
- We are a part of the Exclusive Paediatric Cardiac Surgery Project since 2001, in collaboration with Sweden. More than 200 surgeries have been performed till date.
- We have an impressive Anaesthesia museum which offers not only a glimpse into the glorious history of Anaesthesia (reviewing the untiring efforts of legendary Pioneers as well as the variety of equipment tried out at different phases of development), but also provides an ambience for teaching and learning the science of Anaesthesiology; a continuous process.
- There is a well developed library in the department with latest editions of books and journals. There is In-house Internet access facility to keep up to date with the latest trends.
- We have a state of the art Seminar Hall with LED television, computer and LCD projector for efficient teaching process.
- The Department has its own Educational Cassettes and CD & DVDs on basic as well as advanced topics in the subject for viewing as and when needed by students.
- We conduct Public Awareness Programmes on a frequent basis to create mass awareness regarding prevention of spread of infections, their general well being, and also, the role of Anaesthesiologists in managing patients in the hospital and outside.
- Our Department recently organized visits to all the colleges in and around Loni, conducting Science Exhibition, making the students understand the physiology and principles of different organ systems of the human body and training them in providing Basic Life Support, the need of the hour.
- The Department celebrates World Anaesthesia Day every year and also conducts CME programmes as a part of its Curriculum. The recent CMEs titled, “Projection of Pertinent Present Day issues in Patient Care”, “Multidisciplinary Management of Multifaceted Mundane Masqueraders: Ischemic Heart Disease & Hypertension”, “Brass Tacks Of Hospital Acquired (Nosocomial) Infections” were a huge success.
Equipments Available
All Operating Rooms are equipped as per the monitoring standards laid down by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists. We have Advanced Anaesthesia Workstations, Automated External defibrillators, Cardiac Pacing Equipment, Pulse Oximeters, advanced Multi-parameter monitors, Respiratory Gas Monitor, Non-invasive Cardiac Output monitor, Invasive Arterial and Central Venous Pressure monitoring equipment, Peripheral Nerve Stimulator and locator, Difficult airway kits.
Future Plans
- Labour analgesia Centre
- Advanced Pain Clinic
- Difficult Airway Training Centre
- Cardiac Catheterization Lab
- Advanced Life Support Provider Courses
- Simulation Lab