Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Anatomy
The edifice of medicine rests on our knowledge of the four foundations, listed in that order of importance
- The structure of human body
- The functions of bodily parts
- Disease processes that ravage structure & function
- Means for preventing or treating disease.
To know and understand the function, we must first comprehend the structure. Today, the study of anatomy is better integrated, both horizontally and vertically, not only with other basic sciences, but other clinical sciences as well, helping to generate more interest in the minds of students.
Furthering the interest are newer advances in aids to teach anatomy that include incorporation of three dimensional models, imaging techniques, plastination, virtual dissection, simulated surgery and multi-media classroom teaching. All these highlight only one thing and that is the perennial relevance of anatomy, to medicine. We cannot hope to unravel the effects of disease processes without first learning the structure and then its function.
Established in 1984 under the banner of Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College Loni, this was one of the first departments of the college that started functioning albeit in a makeshift modified hospital ward. The journey and progress of the department from that relatively primitive setup to present day well equipped and adequately staffed department has had its ups and down, but never had it faltered from its primary obligation of educating the future doctors.
Vision and Mission of Department of Anatomy
The overall mission of department is to lay strong foundation for medical education with emphasis on clinically relevant course material so as to address a crucial need for patient care and support and medical research in basic sciences.
Following are the broad goals of the department for next five years
- To established contemporary syllabus in the subject of anatomy for Ist year MBBS students and students undergoing postgraduate training in the subject of Anatomy within next 3 years.
- To establish a fresh tissue dissection laboratory in collaboration with other clinical departments in next five years.
- To develop and lay the foundation of a contemporary Life Sciences Museum dedicated to in this part Rural India in next 5 years.
Few baby steps in this direction are:- Installation of a Prosection Projection System(PPS) with a dedicated audio system in the dissection hall of the department. This system consists of :-
- High resolution video camera.
- Binocular Microscope
- Dedicated LCD projector.
- 12 X 8 feet size screen for LCD projection.
- Dedicated computer/Laptop.
- Adjustable dissection table.
- Shadowless lamp to provide for adequate amount of indirect diffuse light.
The same system shall be put to use for microscope mounted histology slide projection. Tangible advantages of this system one can think of are as follows:-
- Reduction in inefficient use of practical activity time by the students.
- Identification of clear goals of practical activity leading to better retention of subject at hand.
- Student appraisal test at end of each session shall ensure a goal oriented learning process.
- Better utilization of batch teacher time by clearly spelt out teaching/supervisory goals.
The student appraisal carried out by this method shall be put to use for Remedial-Enrichment-Bridge programme activity, which is put into practice in the dept. Students have given a positive feedback about the activities being conducted in the department of Anatomy. Presently under the Remedial programme counseling session and extra classes are conducted for those students with below average performance in the part completion tests. Under the Enrichment programme seminar and integrated teaching programme were organized for students with good performance in the part completion tests. Ten such students were asked to prepare for the predetermined seminar topics and 4 of them were asked to present the seminar. Remaining are given a chance to show their talent at a later date.
Fresh Tissue Laboratory
The Concept:- “Accessibility and availability of fresh cadaver body tissue for the purpose of training of surgeons and other related groups”. Applications and activities of the Fresh Tissue laboratory shall be as follows:-
Re-Education: Reorientation of oneself to the anatomy of a particular area or approach.
Research: The laboratory provides the setting for research studies in surgical anatomy.
New Techniques:- To enable the surgeons and their assistants to assess new techniques and develop new types of surgical instrumentation in a safe environment.
Development of New Teaching and Learning Tools:- The laboratory shall provide the setting for the development of a new teaching and learning reusable material tools for medical students.
Development of Life Sciences Museum with Emphasis on Human Anatomy
Special endeavor of Anatomy department in the next five years shall be to get a nod of approval for, plan and execute the development of a contemporary Life Sciences Museum with special emphasis on human anatomy, dedicated to this part Rural India. We for the department of Anatomy have a museum sufficient for the teaching-learning process of Medical graduates. This same museum shall be redeveloped on a larger scale to include comparative and evolutionary anatomy.
When fully established this museum should cater to the student population in this district as well as neighboring districts. The schools and colleges in the nearby villages and townships should be able to arrange a day’s visit to the museum and benefit from the same. This museum shall help the students to resolve existing questions regarding life and should be able to seed fresh ones.
Post graduate student activities
The postgraduate students are given a well structured training by regularly holding PG activity in the form of Journal clubs, departmental seminar and research work presentations and practical training classes apart from the routine UG teaching activity allotted to them.
Research Activities
As a constituent institution of Deemed university, we have a dedicated set of staff who is actively involved in the research work. The scope for the research in this basic science subject of anatomy is vast especially in the field of neurobiology, histology and histochemistry. These are the areas of research we wish to tap work in future. At present the research work is being done in topics with clinical relevance in gross anatomy, histology and neuroanatomy. Faculty as well as postgraduate students are involved in the research activities.