Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences

Feedback Committee & Reports

Feedback By Hon`ble Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

     Feedback By Hon`ble Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  • Appreciation During Program in LONI (2005)
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  • Hon. Past President Appreciated Loni PURA Model
Appreciation During Program in LONI (2005)1 PURA Loni Model 22 PURA Loni Model 13 Hon. Past President Appreciated Loni PURA Model4
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Feedback Committee & Reports

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Feedback - SOP Click Here

PIMS Constituent Units Consolidated Feedback Reports (2017-18 to 2021-22)

Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College Feedback Reports (2023-24)  

School Of Public Health And Social Medicine (2023-24)  

College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Feedback Reports (2023-24)  

College of Biosciences and Technology Feedback Reports (2023-24)  

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy Feedback Reports (2023-24)  

Smt. Sindhutai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil College of Nursing Feedback Reports (2023-24)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2022-23)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2021-22)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2020-21)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2019-20)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2018-19)  

PIMS Consolidated Feedback Reports (2017-18)  

PIMS Constituent Units Consolidated Sample Feedback of Stakeholders (2022-23)

     Student            Faculty            Professionals            Alumini            Employers      

PIMS Constituent Units Consolidated Sample Feedback of Stakeholders (2021-22)

     Student            Faculty            Professionals            Alumini            Employers      

PIMS Constituent Units Consolidated Sample Feedback of Stakeholders (2020-21)

     Student            Faculty            Professionals            Alumini            Employers      

Handwritten Sample Sample Feedback of Stakeholders

     Student            Faculty            Professionals            Alumini            Employers      

Consolidated Action Taken Reports (2017-18 to 2022-23)

     1.  Yearwise ATR

     2017-18            2018-19            2019-20            2020-21            2021-22      


Action Taken Reports Resolutions

     2017-18            2018-19            2019-20            2020-21            2021-22      


Other Document Feedback

     Other Document Feedback      

University Level Feedback Committee & Reports
Dr. D. B. Phalke
Member Secretary - Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College
Dr. S. M. Jain
Member Secretary - Rural Dental College
Dr. Harish Saluja
Member Secretary - Dr.A P.J Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy
Dr. Neeraj Kumar/ Dr. Sant
Member Secretary - College of Nursing
Dr. Eknath Gawade / Miss.Rubina Cambell
Member Secretary - Center for Social Medicine
Dr. Sunil Thitame / Dr. Swanand Tilekar
Member Secretary - College Of Biosciences And Technology
Mr. Ganesh Vikhe
Member Information Technology -
Manager IT

1.4.1: Feedback mechanism
Mechanism is in the place to obtain structured feedback on curriculum/ syllabi from various stake holders.

To use inputs from students, parents, teachers, employers, alumni and professionals for improvement in quality of teaching learning process, infrastructure and learning resources so as to produce competent health professionals.

Feedback is taken from:
Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni, Parents and Professionals.

Feedback Parameters :

    I. Students feedback Parameters:
  1. Infrastructure and learning resources.
  2. Curriculum enrichment-syllabus & co-curricular.
  3. Departmental teaching-learning.
  4. Exit feedback from outgoing students on academic facilities, support & services.
  5. Students feedback on faculty members.

    II. Faculty feedback Parameters:
  1. Academic facilities, support and services.
  2. Curriculum, syllabus & co-curricular aspects.

    III. Alumini feedback parameters:
  1. Academic facilities, support and services.
  2. Curriculum, syllabus & co-curricular aspects.

    IV. Peers/resource persons/examiners.

    V. Parents feedback parameters.

    VI. Employers feedback.

Methodology :
  1. Academic facilities, support and servicesEach question was carrying five options on Likert Scale viz Poor, Average, Good, Very Good & Excellent carrying marks of 1,2,3,4 & 5 respectively . An additional open box of opinion / suggestions was placed at the end.
  2. Overall feedback given by the stakeholders was assessed by taking average.
  3. Formats for feedback used are authenticated & finalized by authorities of PIMS University.
  4. Online feedback from respective batches was collected using students mobile /desktop in internet section of library using google forms/software of institute.
  5. Collected feedback data was further tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by respective members of University.
  6. Report of constituent institutions were prepared in structured format and presented by respective coordinators in college council meetings. Actionable points related to infrastructure and learning resources were discussed and suggestions were taken.
  7. Faculty with good score were congratulated by respective Principal/Director and those with average score were confidentially counseled for improvement.

    Reports signed by member and Principal/Director were submitted to University with Action Taken Report, which was forwarded to BOM for further necessary action.

    University has approved SOP available for detailed procedure and formats for each stakeholder, uploaded on link of Feedback Committee & Reports on University website

  8. Online method using smart phones of students through FOCUZ software/M top app of TCS/ computers in internet section/Google forms.
  9. Help of IT takens.
  10. Analysis of excel files generated is done.
  11. Report prepared in format and submitted to IQAC for getting approval on actionable points by University authorities and Executive Council.
  12. Action Taken reports were prepared and displayed on website.

1.4.2 Feedback process of the Institution may be classified as:

Options: A. Feedback collected, analyzed and action taken on feedback and such documents are made available on the institutional website.

  1. Feedback is collected from various stakeholders like the students, teachers, parents, alumni and professionals of the same discipline working elsewhere.
  2. The formats are shared to all the stake holders and the responses are collected and documented.
  3. A departmental feedback analysis group analyses the feedback received. The same is discussed in the department, aiming to bring about suitable changes in the curriculum.
  4. A document of such perceived modifications/alterations/additions/deletions is prepared at the department level and forwarded to Board of Studies, in the presence of an External Expert/Member extensive deliberations are made regarding the changes to be brought about.
  5. The decisions of the Board of Studies are communicated to the Academic Council meeting.
  6. The decisions taken in the Academic Council are submitted to the Executive Council for approval/ implementation.

Feedback from students is conveyed to respective faculty and department and then it is discussed and measures taken accordingly.