National Anti- Ragging Helpline
24x7 Toll Free
helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in
UGC Monitoring Agency
Centre for Youth(C4Y)
antiragging@c4yindia.org | www.c4yindia.org
Contact Details of the Nodal Officers of Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad
Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) | Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS)
Toll Free Number to Report Ragging: 18002129697
University Level Anti Ragging Committee
Chairman |
AVM (Retd) Dr. Rajvir Bhalwar (9673008816) |
Convener |
Dr. Mrs.Vaishali Phalke (9822840790) |
Member - Prof. Rural Dental College |
Dr. N. G. Toshniwal (9822353228) |
Member - Asso. Prof.DR.APJAKCOPT |
Dr. Tejas Borkar (9371271752) |
Member - Prof.Smt. Sindhutai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil College of Nursing |
Dr. Heera Jayasheela (9423364472) |
Member - Asst. Prof. School of Public Health and Social Medicine (SPHSM) |
Dr. Swanand Tilekar (8275201223) |
Member - Director Cum Prof. College Of Biosciences And Technology |
Dr. Raghavendra H.L. (9686902662) |
Member - API Loni Police Station |
Shri. Kailas Wagh (8275244792) |
Member - NGO, Representative |
Shri. Bharat Ghogare (9881800664) |
Member - Press Reporter |
Shri. Ravindra Kakade(9422905222) |
Member - Asst. Registrar Legal |
shri. Nakul Tambe (9673007252) |
Ragging Free Environment
‘Medicine’ is a noble profession. It members are revered for their human values, compassion and consideration for their fellow human beings. Every medical student shall therefore learn to be self disciplined and observe rules and regulations as a matter of habit rather than because of fear of consequences. They shall at all times conduct themselves with proper dignity and decorum expected of a budding doctor.
The following instructions are framed to prevent the menace of ragging and foster healthy interpersonal relations among students in the campus of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University, Loni.
- Ragging is strictly forbidden in or outside the campus of PIMS University.
- All students shall familiarize themselves with rules/regulations/guidelines on code of conduct, anti-ragging measures and discipline of PIMS University.
- All ‘freshers’ should attend counseling sessions organized for them from time to time by the college staff.
- All ‘freshers’ are allotted to ‘Academic Counselor’ by name. Students may approach him/her for personal/academic counseling.
- Any student who suffers ragging or notices occurrence of ragging shall immediately report the event to concerned authority.
- Incidences of ragging can be reported to any member of Anti-ragging squad, Anti-ragging committee of the college or to Academic counselor.
- Students may report incidence of ragging either orally or in writing. They may also report the incidence in person or by phone. Anonymity of the caller will be maintained.
- The College Council has identified some senior students as ‘Mentor’. List of these students is placed on all notice boards of the college. A fresher may choose any one of them as his buddy. He/she will provide emotional and peer support to the fresher in coping with institutional transition.
- All freshers will be segregated & accommodated on one floor of the hostel. No senior student will be permitted to visit fresher’s room at any time of the day/night.
- Dining hall and timing for various meals will be specified for the freshers. No senior student shall enter that dining hall during time earmarked for freshers.
- Any victim of ragging not satisfied with the action taken by the Head of the Institution or by the University may submit an appeal in writing to report the event to the local police.
- The members of the squad will visit at least twice in a week all potential areas of ragging on or outside the campus
- The squad conduct surprise visits/raids on hostels and other hot spots of ragging and apprehend the culprits.
- It shall record all verbal/telephonic/written complaints and take action as stipulated in the bye-laws of the university.
- It shall keep the principal informed of all events/occurrences of ragging in the college.
- Anti-ragging squad will be assisted by members of college teaching staff detailed by the office of the principal on day to day basis to keep vigil on untoward events.
Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Air Vice Marshal (Retd) Dr. Rajvir Bhalwar Dean, RMC, Loni. |
Members | Dr. A .N .Badwe (9096035553 / chiefrector.boyshostel@pmtpims.org) Chief Rector, Boys Hostel, PIMS(DU) Dr. Sandhya Arvind Gunnal (9850293121 / sandhyagunnal@gmail.com)) Chief Rector, Ladies Hostel |
Convener | Dr. Mrs.Vaishali Phalke (9822840790 / antiragging.dbvprmc@pmtpims.org) Prof . Dept Of Community Medicine Dr. Rahul Kunkulol Professor & HOD of Pharmacology (9637549119/Rahul4420@yahoo.com) |
Civil Person Police Station Media N.G.O Parent Students Freshers's Students Senior Non Teaching Staff Legal Advisor | Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy. Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni Bk (9890798033) Shri. Kailas Wagh API, Loni Police Station . Loni (7588735418/ 02422-273433) Shri. Ravindra Kakade Press Reporter, Shirdi-Loni Area (9422905222/kravindra07@gmail.com ) Mr. Bharat Ghogare Secretary, PRES , Loni Bk (9881800664/bharat.ghogare93@gmail.com/ bharatghogare@gmail.com ) Mr. Janardan EV, RMC Loni (7767841979/pa.principalrmc@pmtpims.org) Aryan Prashant Mahajan,MBBS-I Student, RMC (7447309733/aryan27mahajan@gmail.com) Shruti Kiran Deshmukh , MBBS-I Student, RMC, (87676996328/srush2711@gmail.com) Madhava Agrawal, MBBS Student, RMC (agrawalmadhav2603@gmail.com) Shri. Vilas Ghule, Establishment Officer, PIMS, Loni (9673007606 / eopmt@pmtpims.org) Adv. Nakul Tambe Asst. Registrar Legal, PIMS ,Loni (9673007252 / asst.registrar.legal@pmtpims.org )) |
Rural Dental College - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Col. (Retd.) Dr. Manerikar Ravindra Principal, Rural Dental College, Loni. |
Members |
Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy. Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni Bk Shri. Samadhan Patil API, Loni Police Station . Loni Mrs. Sunita Kode NGO , Perfect Foundation, Sangamner Shri. Ravindra Kakade Press Reporter, Shirdi-Loni Area (9422905222/ kravindra07@gmail.com) Dr. Mohan Pawar Mentorship Program-Coordinator, PIMS, Prof & HOD FMT , RMC, Loni (8870099770) Dr. Anita Munde Prof & Head, Oral Medicine, RDC, Loni Dr. Ameet Mani Prof & Head, Periodontics, RDC, Loni Mrs. Swati Kharde Parents Representative, Miss. Isha Shah Student Representative (Fresher), RDC, Loni Miss. Aishwarya Vyas Student Representative (8600672171) Dr. Sumeet Mishra Research Scholar, Dept. of Orthodontics, RDC, Loni Mr. Nakul Tambe Asst. Registrar, PIMS, Loni |
Smt. Sindhutai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil College of Nursing - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairperson | Prof. Dr. Rajendra D. Lamkhede Prof. & Principal, Smt. Sindhutai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil College of Nursing |
Members |
Ms Heera Jayasheela, Prof. & Vice Principal, CON, Loni Mr. Sharad Dighe, Asso. Professor, CON, Loni Mr. Swapnil Tambe, Asst. Prof. , CON, Loni Mrs. Sandnya Gawade, Asst. Prof., CON, Loni Mr. Nakul Tambe Asst. Registrar, PIMS, Loni Mr. K V Ramanmurty Legal Officer, PMT, Loni Shri. Samadhan Patil API, Loni Police Station . Loni Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy. Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni Bk Shri. Suhas Vaidya Press Reporter Sakal News Paper Mr Jori Chandrakant Parent Representative Mr Mhaske Chandrakant Parent Representative Mr. Nikhil Gholap Student Representative |
Secretary | Mrs Smita Aher Asst. Prof. |
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Dr.Rakesh Kumar Sinha Principal ,Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam College Of Phsyiotherapy,Loni |
Members |
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Vice Principal, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy, Loni Dr. Deepali Hande Professor, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy, Loni Dr. Komal Gunjal Associate Professor , Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam College Of Phsyiotherapy,Loni Dr. Sheila Shrikhande Counselor, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam College Of Phsyiotherapy,Loni Shri. Mukesh Dighe Legal Officer , PMT/PIMS(DU),Loni Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy. Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni Bk Shri. Sairaj Wagh Asst.Police Inspector ,Loni Police Station Shri. Ravindra Kakade Press Reporter, Shirdi-Loni Area |
School of Public Health and Social Medicine - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | prof. K V Somasudaram Director,Director, School of Public Health and Social Medicine,PIMS-DU, Loni |
Members |
Dr. Sunil Thitame Asst. Professor, School of Public Health and Social Medicine,PIMS-DU, Loni Mr. Nakul Tambe, Asst. Registrar, Legal, PIMS-DU, Loni Shri K.V. Ramana Murthy, Legal Officer, Pravara Medical Trust, Loni Mr. Sitaram Chande, News Reporter,A/p: Ashwi Bk, Tal. Sangamner, Dist. A. Nagar Shri. Samadhan Patil Loni Police Station, A/p: Loni, Tal. Rahata, Dist. A. Nagar Mr. Sudarshan Dahatonde (NGO Representative) President, Swachhandi Youth Foundation A/p: Loni, Tal. - Rahata, Dist. A. Nagar Mr. Anil Bhausaheb Thete (Parent of a Student) A/p: Pravaranagar, Tal. Rahata, Dist.: Ahmedangar Class Representative - I Year MPH, School of Public Health and Social Medicine, Loni Class Representative - II Year MPH, School of Public Health and Social Medicine, Loni Mr. Swapan Kumar Jana, Administrative Supervisor, School of Public Health and Social Medicine, Loni |
College Of Biosciences And Technology - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Dr. Raghavendra HL. Director , College of Biosciences and Technology, PIMS-DU, Loni. |
Members |
Dr. Faiyaz K. Shaikh Assistant Professor, College of Biosciences and Technology, PIMS-DU, Loni. Mr. Ganesh P. Vikhe Assistant Professor, College of Biosciences and Technology, PIMS-DU, Loni. Ms. Anushka Sahay Assistant Professor, College of Biosciences and Technology, PIMS-DU, Loni. Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy. Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni Bk Shri. Kailas Wagh API, Loni Police Station, Loni (Bk)Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar Shri. Ravindra Kakade Press Reporter, Shirdi-Loni Area Shri. K V Ramanmurty Legal Advisor, PMT ,Loni Mrs. Poonam Gurave (Parent Representative), Alankar Co-orporation, Rahata 423107, Dist. Ahmednagar |
Secretary | Dr. Sonali Das Associate Professor, College of Biosciences and Technology, PIMS-DU, Loni. |
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Dr. Ravindra Laware. Principal , College of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Members |
Mr. Harish Pawar Teacher Representative Ms. Kalyani Landge Teacher Representative Mr. Yogesh Shinde Police Sub-Inspector, Loni Police Station. Mr. Ravindra Kakade Media Representative Mr. Bharat Ghogare NGO Member Mr. Balasaheb Bankar Parent Mr. Deepak Dale Non-Teaching Staff, PMT ,Loni Dr. Deepika Bhalerao Rector (Ladies-Hostel) Dr. Jamebasheer Farooqui Rector (Boys-Hostel) Mr. Om Manik Bhawar Student Representative Miss. Vaishnavi Jagdale Student Representative |
Pravara Rural Ayurved College - Anti Ragging Committee | |
Chairman | Dr. Deodatta Bhadlikar (9820209426) Principal , Pravara Rural Ayurved College |
Members |
Dr. Nitin Chandurkar Professor,Teacher Representative (9421019864) Pravara Rural Ayurved College Dr. Rajeshri Chitre Professor,Teacher Representative (7083656439) Pravara Rural Ayurved College Dr. Nivedita V.Dhanvijay Ass.Professor,Teacher Representative (7506163838) Pravara Rural Ayurved College Shri. Kailas Wagh Ass.Police Inspector (8779201412) Loni Police Station Mrs.Kalpana Maid Sarpanch,Grampanchyat (9881800664) Loni Bk Shri.Ravindra Kakade Press Reporter (9422905222),Shirdi,Loni area Mr.Bharat Ghogare NGO Member (9881800664) Mr. Sandip Dethe Non-Teaching Staff (7588602615) PRAC Loni Mr.Popatrao Aher Parent (8669105959) Dr. Padmeshwari Dhage Asst.Professor, (9623825801)Rector Ladies Hostel Pravara Rural Ayurved College Dr.Jamebasheer Farooqui Rector Boys Hostel (9860638533) Atharva Bhatkar Student (Boys) Representative (7249353493) Miss.Sandhya Rathod Student (Girl) Representative (7822011287) |