Department of Public Health Dentistry
Community Dentistry is a branch of Dentistry which deals with preventing disease, prolonging life & promoting physical & mental efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections, the education of individual in personal hygiene, the organization of medical & nursing services for the early diagnosis & preventive treatment of disease and the devlopment of the social machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of the health .
Mission and vision
The dental public Health field has been expanding in scope & complexity with more emphasis being placed on the total dental care delivery systém & its impact on Oral Health Status .
- The goal of the Community dentistry is to provide basic & advanced Health promotion to an individual and group of people.
- Prevention of dental diseases & awareness of Oral hygiene in rural population.
- To provide Basic treatment in rural areas through mobile dental clinic .
- The main goal of the Community Dentistry is to achieve good oral hygiene & health awareness in public through organized community efforts.

Undergraduate Education
This program involves weekly lectures seminars , demonstration of recording indices like :-DMFT / DMFS, OHI – S, Periodontal index, Gingival index, Deans fluorosis index .
- Students prepare oral health education material posters, chart & models on different topics so that it will help to educate patients in simple way .
- Field work like school dental check -up , diagnostic Camps in rural areas to asses the oral health status of village people emergency treatment & health education including possible preventive care.
- Students show different brushing techniques to the patients on models .They show plaque control measures to the patient by using various disclosing agents &oral rinse programme.
- Diet counselling is done to the public to reduce caries.
- Students give the oral hygiene instructions also administer topical fluoride therapy and pit and fissure selants.
- Eduacate patient concerning the etiology and prevention of oral disease and encourage them to assure responsibility for oral health.