December 28, 2015 | Inauguration of E-Learning Software & Animal Simulator |

e-learning software (Medical/Dental) and animal simulator software is inaugurated with hands of Shri.Rajendra Vikhe Patil, Chief Executive of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
On this occasion Hon'ble Dr. S.D. Dalvi Vice Chancellor of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) was present.
September 29, 2015 | Twelfh Anniversary of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences |

Twelfth Anniversary of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences held on 29th September 2015 at 11.00 Am.
On this occasion Hon'ble Dr. Shreekant Bhaskar KelkarCEO - National Institute of Ophthalmology, Pune , was the Chief Guest .
On this occasion Hon'ble Shri. Anil Kawade,IAS,Collector, Ahmednagar District and Dr. Saurabh Tripathi, IPSSuperintendent of Police, Ahmednagar were the Guest of Honour .
On this occasion Hon'ble Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, President-PIMS was presided over the function and delivered presidential address. .
Hon'ble Dr. Shreekant Bhaskar KelkarCEO - National Institute of Ophthalmology, Pune , was felicitated by "Life Time Achievement Award" for extra ordianry work in Health care. .
Chancellor Rolling Trophy for Best Research Paper Award given to Ms. Preeti Padmanabhan – Asst. Prof. Dept. of Biochemistry, RMC, Loni-413738
“Late Smt. Gangubai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil All Round Best Nursing Student of the year 2013-14 given to Ms. Muthe Dhanashri Bhausaheb, College of Nursing, Loni – 413 736
“Late Smt. Dropadabai Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil All Round Second Best Nursing student of the year 2013-14 given to Ms. Dahedar Kajal Sandip, College of Nursing, Loni - 413 736
115th Birth Annivary of Founder Father Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil

Honorable Devendraji Fadnavis, Chief Minister of Maharashtra present as Chief Guest for 115th Birth Annivarsary Function of Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil
Hon'ble Shri.Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, Leader of Opposition, Maharsahtra Assembly. and Hon'ble Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, Padmabhushan Awardee, Managaging Trustee of PIMS-DU were present during the function.
Hon'ble Shri. Rajendra Vikhe Patil, Chief Executive of PIMs-DU felicitated Honorable Devendraji Fadnavis, Chief Minister of Maharashtra during the function.
Inauguration of Central Clinical Laboratory

Newly setup Central Clinical Laboratory (CCL) is inaugurated on 14th August 2015 with the auspicious hands of Hon'ble Shri.Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, Leader of Opposition, Maharsahtra Assembly.
Hon'ble Shri. Rajendra Vikhe Patil, Chief Executive of PIMs-DU and Dr. Shashank dalvi, Vice Chancellor, PIMS-DU were present as a guest of honour.

Foundation stone of proposed building of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam memorial College of Physiotherapy and Trauma Center is laid by Hon'ble Shri.Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, Leader of Opposition, Maharsahtra Assembly on 14th August 2015 .
Hon'ble Padmabhushan, Dr. Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, Managing trustee of Pravara Medical Trust, Loni presided over the function.
Hon'ble Shri. Rajendra Vikhe Patil, Chief Executive of PIMs-DU and Dr. Shashank dalvi, Vice Chancellor, PIMS-DU were present as a guest of honour.

Rural Bioethics unit of UNESCO chair in Bioethics (Haifa) is inaugurated on 10th August 2015 .
Hon'ble Dr. Russell D'Souza, Head Asia pacific program , UNESCO chair in Bioethics (Haifa) was the Chief guest of function.
Hon'ble Dr. Arun Jamkar, Vice chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik, Honb;e Shekhar Rajderkar, Pro-vice Chancellor, MUHS,Nashik, Dr. Mary Mathew, National Chair traning, Dr. Princy Palatty, Nationa cair curriculum were guest of honour for the function.
Hon'ble Shri.Rajendra Vikhe Patil, Chief Executive of PIMs-DU and Dr. Shashank dalvi, Vice Chancellor, PIMS-DU were present as a guest of honour.
Principal/Directors of constituent colleges were present .

International Yoga Day Celebrated at the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences on June 21, 2015 .
Dr.Sunil Gandhe, MD(Ayurveda) Yoga instructor conducted yoga session between 7-9 AM on the occasion.
After yoga protocol,lecture on yoga was delivered by Guest
speaker.More than 100 staff and students participated in the event.
Principal/Directors of constituent colleges including
Dr.D.S.Kulkarni,Dr.Gangadhar,Prof.Somasundaram, Dr.Bular,Dr.Rahul Kunkulol ,Shri.Rajiv Sharma were present .
Thisactivity was coordinated by Dr.Sunil Bular, Board of Sports,PIMS-DU.

Ninth Convocation of the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences held on MArch 10, 2015 at 11.00 Am.
Honorary D.Sc Degree was conferred upon Ganapatrao Annasaheb Deshmukh , ,MLA-Maharashtra.
On this occasion Hon'ble Dr Vijay Bhatkar , Chairman, Board of Governers, IIT Delhi was the Chief Guest and delivered convocation address.
On this occasion Hon'ble Shri. Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, Leader of Opposition , Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, was the Guest of Honour.
On this occasion Hon'ble Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, President-PIMS was present.
On this occasion Hon'ble Shri. Vijay Kelkar, Chancellor of the University presided over the function.
The Hon’ble Chancellor conferred degrees/diplomas to students during the 9th Convocation of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed University.
February 8 2015 | Mini marathon ' Fun Run for Health' |

The institutes annual feature "local Mini Marathon - FUN - RUN - FOR HEALTH" organised on Sunday 8th February 2015. .
This year over 26000 Participants had come from a radius of 100 kms from various nearby villages, schools and colleges participated in the marathon.
The marathon was organized in 21 Various Age Groups of 1,3,5 & 10 Kms.
All the prize winners were awarded prizes by Chief Guest Urmila Kanitkar & Cheif Executive Shri Rajendra Vikhe Patil