College of Pharmaceutical Sciences RULES AND REGULATION
"Rule and regulations at our institutes are set to provide students with guidelines of expected behaviour. These guidelines are set not only to teach children to respect themselves, but also to respect others. When a child misbehaves or acts inappropriately, redirection, distraction and/or firm limit setting is used in the first hand. Calming downtime is used if the misbehaviour continues. We practice a positive approach to discipline."
- The students should strictly obey the instructions given by the Principal & Teacher from time to time.
- The students should carry an identity card with them regularly and it should be produced if demanded by authority of the college. to time
- Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes and practicals. The students are required to submit their assignments in the time failing which they shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
- The college expects 100% attendance for the theory & practical sessions. Some relaxation is possible to extend of 10% on valid grounds and with prior permission of the principal. However, in no case, the attendance should be less than 75% separately for theory and practicals otherwise they shall be detained from appearing for university exams.
- The students will not be allowed to appear for I / II / III sessional examinations if they fail to maintain 75% attendance in each theory & practical separately. This attendance will be calculated from day one i.e. opening date of the college. No excuses of any sort will be entertained.
- Ragging in any form within or outside the college and hostels is totally banned. When brought to the notice, defaulter will be summarily expelled from the college.
- If the students are found weak in certain subjects they will have to attend extra classes as notified and make the required progress to come at par with the other students.
- .The students should read the notice displayed on the notice board regularly and the college will not be responsible for the loss of any advantage due to the negligence of reading the notice by the students.
- Smoking or chewing gum, gutkha, pan in the premises is strictly prohibited.
- The use of electronic communication device like mobile phone, pager are strictly prohibited in the college.
- The students should not involve in any such activity which may cause damage to the college property. It will be viewed seriously and is likely to result in the recovery of the cost of damage.
- .Students are bounded by rules and regulations framed by the college from time to time. Any violation of the rules shall result in disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal from the college.
- The above rules of discipline are subjected to changes or modifications. These modifications can be done whenever the Principal deems it fit & proper. The decision of the Principal shall be final and binding on the students.
- Notice board and the institutional website are the only authorized media of communication with the students and others.