Instruction to Author
Aims and Scope
Pravara Medical Review (PMR) (ISSN : 0975-0533) is an official scientific publication of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Loni. The basic ideology of publication of this journal is based on the objectives of PIMS. It is a quarterly journal published as a medium for the advancement of scientific knowledge in all branches of medicine and allied sciences, Dental Sciences, Physiotherapy, Biotechnology and Nursing.
The contents of the journal are in the form of Commentary, Review articles, Original research, Case reports, Letters to editor, Short communication, Medical quiz and any other form of publication with the approval by the editorial board.
All manuscripts are required to submitted in duplicate complete with sets of illustration and photographs typed in double space, double column, Times New Roman on A-4 sized paper with margin of 2.5 cms. on all sides. It should be accompanied by a Compact Disc Rewritable (CD-R) containing manuscripts typed in “Times New Roman” in double column and single space (letter size 12 for body of text and 14 for headings and sub-headings). Manuscript should conform to the general instructions (Vancouver style) “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals” (1994), Lancet 1996, V2, 1-4 and Annals of Internal Medicine 1988, 108:258-265. The submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by a statement / certificate undersigned by all listed authors.
The relevant forms containing required statements/ certificates are available with the editorial office.Copy of format of certificate by Authors can be obtained from editorial office of Pravara Medical Review. All submitted articles are reviewed by editorial board, specialists and peer review group members. The Editorial board reserves the right to revise the manuscripts according to reviewers comments and to make final decision on acceptance. The facilities for on line submission of manuscripts are also available at pmrjournal@pmtpims.org The manuscripts with all materials are to be submitted to :
Editorial Office
Pravara Medical Review
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed University)
Loni, Taluka- Rahata, Dist- Ahmednagar
State: Maharashtra, India
Pin: 413736
Ethics and Policy in Clinical Study
Human studies should have been conducted in accordance with the principals of the declaration of Helsinki (1964, revised in 1975 and 1983). The authors should indicate that Ethical approval of the study was granted. Animal experiments should have been performed as per the guide lines of CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals). Also, see www.cpcsea.com while submitting papers on clinical trials. The authors are requested to ensure that all requirements of appropriate regulatory bodies have been complied with.
Units of Measurement
All Measurements must be expressed in metric system and / or the system International ‘Units’ (S1)