Erasmus Mundus Collaborations

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni is partner for Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation Window – 13 India (EMECW 13 India) European Scholarships
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni brought EMECW – 15 - India, European Scholarships to its campus during 2009-10. It contiues to be partner for second phase named as EMECW-13 India. Of the 8 Indian Universities, Pravara is the only Deemed University in India to be the partner of Erasmus Mundus “External Co-operation Window”.
After successful completion the EMECW-15 has been named as EMECW-13 for academic year 2010-11.
Pravara University is selected to be one of the only three Indian members on high level Steering Committee of the EMECW India. This year it is also a member of Academic Committee of EMECW India. It is an honor bestowed in recognition of higher educational Excellence & International presence. The second phase of the project was finalized at the meeting held at Burlin, Germany on 14th July 2009 attended by Dr.Ashok Patil and co-ordinated by Dr. Sidssel of Lund University, Sweden .
Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation window India is an EU initiative designed to foster institutional co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and India through a mobility scheme with following objective:
- Promoting Mobility for students and academic staff for studying, teaching, training and research.
- Enhancing international co-operation between Higher Educational Institutions.
- Pave way to international recognition of studies and qualifications.
- Enhance role of higher education sector by exchanging knowledge, skills and expertise.
Universities taking part in Project;
European Union:
- Lund University, Sweden (Lead/Coordinating University)
- Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany
- Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
- International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, The Netherlands
- Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
- Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- University of Deusto, Spain
- University of Leuven, Belgium
- University Pierre and Marie Curie, France
- Vilnius University, Lithuania
Five different types of individual mobility flows and study lengths are as under:
- Undergraduates - 3 - 09 months
- Masters - 3 - 22 months
- Doctorates - 6 - 34 months
- Post-doctorates fellowship - 6 - 10 months
- Academic staff - 2 - 09 months
The proposals of large number of Universities from India & Europe were submitted to European Union. The partners were selected through a competitive system based on the academic quality. Independent academic experts were involved in assessment of the Universities on the basis of the award criteria. Based on final score awarded, the partner Universities were chosen for the project.
This University being partner shall identify common set of criteria in compliance with the principle of transparency & equal treatment to select students and academic staff. Classic tools for selecting applicants comprise CV’s, study & exam results, specific requirements for language skills, Letters of recommendations and Letters of motivation and the minimum norms set forth by the Commission.
This large scale collaboration between this University and the European Universities is for a period of three years up to 2012.
1. Documentation
* Course Record: a mark-sheet detailing the courses you have taken and the grades obtained. This can also be called Certificate or Transcript of Records.
* Diploma: proof of graduation from university (certified) at the Bachelor, Master and/or Phd level
- !!!! All Diplomas/certificates must be certified. All diplomas and certificates in a language other than English should have a certified English translation attached.
!!!! The documents to submit depend on the level of study you wish to follow. For undergraduate studies we need to see a High School certificate.
If you wish to do a MSc we do NOT need a High school certificate, but the diploma of your university level. For a PhD study we need your Bs and MSc diploma, etc.
Please note that it is not possible for us to take action in requesting your documents from any university.
- !!!! Due to database settings, this is needed also for Undergraduate and Master applications. In this case, we ask you to upload a short paper (one page) with a description of your current course content (for Undergraduate applicants) or the abstract of your dissertation (for Master applicants).
- !!!! If you are planning to apply for a PhD, Postdoc or Academic Staff position, please contact the relevant department at the university of your choice, in order to discuss your work plan and research proposal. You can find the contact details of this department in the list of available fields. If you cannot find this contact, please email the Erasmus Mundus contact person at your chosen university for help.
* CV: Curriculum Vitae i.e. is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education.
* Statement of Purpose: a concise essay about your interests and career goals, identified means to achieve them and accomplishments so far towards those goals. We look for a short, crisp and clear SoP, of maximum one page.
* Proof of language proficiency: each university has its own policy concerning language requirements. Please contact the European university you are applying for and ask about their language requirements. If they require TOEFL/IELTS results and you do not have them, you must book an exam at a TOEFL/IELTS centre: then you can upload the booking confirmation receipt.
* Passport: if you do not have a valid passport, you can upload your birth certificate.
* Proof for Target Group 1: A paper showing that you are enrolled/employed with the University and/or copy of your University ID card.
* Letter of recommendation: Persons in all mobility groups to Europe and to India may upload recommendation letters from the home university. Those who do NOT have recommendation letters are requested to upload a document saying that they are not submitting them, otherwise their applications will be incomplete.
!!!! Documents should not be sent via regular mail before the university asks specifically for them. The university will tell you the address and to whom you are supposed to send the application after you got selected. Only if you have problems with scanning documents, please send the application to the coordinating university, Lund University.
!!!! Please do NOT send any documents to the info mail service at the website. You must upload your documents with the application. If for any reason you cannot do this, you need to contact the relevant contact person at the university you are applying to.
2. Target Groups ,
Target Group 1. Students and academic staff currently enrolled in or affiliated with one of the Partner Universities. Note that you must provide documents that prove that you are currently enrolled in one of the universities member of the partnership (student card or wage check). The scholarship is offered at the following levels: Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral, Academic staff.
Target Group 2. NOT ELIGIBLE IN THE FEBRUARY 2009 OPENING. Indian Nationals who are studying or have a degree from an Indian higher education institution that is not a partner university; Indian Nationals who have finished their degree at a partner university and are no longer enrolled in one; Indian Nationals who are working in public administration, public and private enterprises. The scholarship is offered at the following levels: Master, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral.
Target Group 3. Indian Nationals who are studying at or have a degree from an Indian higher education institution that is not a partner university
and who are:
refugees, asylum beneficiaries, or have been subjected to discrimination (ethnic, racial, sexual or disability related). Note that you must provide proof of qualifying for target group 3. The scholarship is offered at the following levels: Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral.
3. Eligibility
*EMECW15 is only open to Indian applicants living in India at the time of application. This programme aims at people that wouldn't have the chance to study or work in Europe without a scholarship.
*Applicants who have already obtained a scholarship through Erasmus Mundus are not eligible. The Erasmus Mundus scholarship is awarded only once. Applicants who have benefited from other scholarships in the past are eligible to apply.
*The EMECW15 scholarship is part of an international exchange scheme and wants to give applicants a chance to study in another continent. Applicants from India can only apply for positions in European universities; applicants from Europe can only apply for positions in Indian universities.
*The EMECW15 scholarship only applies to the partner universities. It’s not possible to use the scholarship to study in other universities.
* You need to have Indian nationality to be able to apply for a scholarship to come study in Europe. People from Iran, Bangladesh etc. that live in India but do not have Indian nationality can NOT apply.
*In order to be eligible, applicants from Europe must be EU citizens currently enrolled in or affiliated with one of the European Partner Universities.
*It’s possible to apply to up to three different universities, in which case the applicant must fill in three separate applications. The first application will be regarded as first choice.
*It’s not possible to apply for more than one course/position in the same university. One can only apply for one course/position in every partner university.
*One can only apply to the courses and positions listed as available in each university’s “Available fields of study”.
4. How to apply:
- Click on “Registration” and follow the instructions. You will receive a userID and password to access the applications database.
- Find the fields of study of your interest and click on it. A list of academic courses and positions available at all the European and Indian partner universities will appear.
- Select a subject area.
- Select the type of scholarship/mobility.
- Make sure that you read the application and admission conditions for the course of your choice carefully.
* It’s not possible to save data halfway through the application form. Once started, the form must be completed. It is advisable to read all the instructions beforehand and check that the Internet connection is stable.
* The application can be edited until the application deadline. Applicants can edit their application using the userID and password they received after registration. Applicants are also given a few extra days after the deadline to upload documents.
* The application form is tested successfully in these browsers: Internet Explorer version 5, 6 and 7, Firefox 3 and Opera 9.
* The browser must allow JavaScript and cookies.
*Uploaded documents must have a file size of 3 MB or smaller. Only PDF, JPG and PNG files are allowed to upload. Word documents are not allowed. Please remember to upload documents in black/white.